Saturday, November 16, 2024


Workloads for Cloud Computing

K. B., “REAL WORKLOAD CHARACTERIZATION AND SYNTHETIC WORKLOAD GENERATION,” Int. J. Res. Eng. Technol., vol. 05, no. 05, pp. 417–429, May 2016., Accessed 16.7.2021.

M. C. Calzarossa, M. L. D. Vedova, L. Massari, D. Petcu, M. I. M. Tabash, and D. Tessera, “Workloads in the clouds,” Springer Ser. Reliab. Eng., vol. PartF1, no. December, pp. 525–550, 2016.

M. A. Rodriguez and R. Buyya, “Deadline Based Resource Provisioning and Scheduling Algorithm for Scientific Workflows on Clouds,” IEEE Trans. Cloud Comput., vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 222–235, Apr. 2014.

G. Juve, A. Chervenak, E. Deelman, S. Bharathi, G. Mehta, and K. Vahi, “Characterizing and profiling scientific workflows,” Futur. Gener. Comput. Syst., vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 682–692, Mar. 2013.


Saturday, April 15, 2023

AIOps lead by DevOps

 DevOps because of agile development practices bought in E2E responsibilities toward software development and delivery.  A Common DevOps cycle of the four stages of observe, detect, engage, and act has introduced ease to the operations team [1]. Still, that does not seem to be enough as post-release of software the operations done manually struggle to scale, are hard to standardize and are error-prone. Given these challenges, fully-automated operations pipelines powered by AI capabilities is a promising approach to achieving the SLA and SLO goals. AIOps the acronym for AI for IT Operations, was coined by Gartner in 2016. Gartner Glossary says, ”AIOps combines big data and machine learning to automate IT operations processes, including event correlation, anomaly detection, and causality determination”. To achieve that level of IT automation, investments in AIOps technologies are imperative. Hence it started appearing in the Gartner Hype Cycle for AI in 2017, along with other popular topics such as deep reinforcement learning, nature-language generation, and artificial general intelligence. Since 2022, enterprise AIOps solutions have been adopted by many companies for their IT infrastructure. This transformation from manual to automated operations using AIOps could be broken down into levels based on AIOps maturity as shown below.

Different systems and different industries may be at different levels of AIOps maturity, and their priorities and goals differ with regard to specific capabilities for adoption. Authors further foresee the trends to apply more complex AI techniques to address challenging business problems. Enabling such a community of AIOps practitioners is the need of the hour.

Interested analysts and developers can further read about the vision, challenges, and how to address them given [2].



Friday, March 24, 2023

CloudOps is only next to DevOps

 As we realized DevOps will be the next thing, with the previous blog(DataOps - Next only to DevOps), MLOps bus currently stops in the intelligence as AIOps, and a new terminology was in use by Gartner from 2017. Even before that Microsoft released CloudOps to true to their belief it is the Software analytics focused for Cloud Computing. 

Here we discuss the recipes for operation on the cloud.

CloudOps is the SRE that is for resilient, scalable solutions aiming at continuous product environment integration and smooth application deliveries. CloudOps enhances the techniques and services it offers true to the promise of cloud paradigms. Hence an existing first receipt for success is already available if a DevOps-enabled system with the tools from CloudOps shall bring the best of both such that customers don't have to focus on choosing this or that. 

Pillars of CloudOps are the next recipe for success of CloudOps, which is also dictated from software analytics terms viz.,
  1. Abstracting the infrastructure that could be accessed in a single dashboard,
  2. Provisioning as self-service or as automated, 
  3. Policies and metrics to measure the usage mostly from an ROI perspective
  4. Automation of core processes, a clean core if fully automated and separated lies the success even for cloud operations like security, user management, and integrations

Bursting maintenance in the cloud is the next main thing for successful operation in the cloud. This is the threshold point in time an application shifts automatically from one model of cloud to another, whenever the demand level changes. The costs arrived at the bust intervals need to manage by the licenses in hand by the application users of the cloud. If not the transparent mechanisms are always set by the hybrid autoscaling providers. Just a detailed understanding of cloud bursting is enough as a 3rd recipe for success with Cloud Ops.

Change management is the ultimate recipe for success with the following main points to consider. It is more of shifting the problem from internal to external to the cloud, in the same time regularizing your internal structures to the maximum. Here are a few:

  1. Agile Development Internal team roles should also enhance the DevOps with an additional SRE role, with self-organized, cross-functional teams capable of also coding at the infrastructure level. This is true to the spirit of the agile manifesto.
  2. Networking bandwidth increases, exposing application endpoints are the technical awareness and investment you have to take decisions ahead of time, 
  3. Costs saved thus internally will be invested externally for the ease of use, just that the measures are available to monitor the cloud resource usage costs.,
  4. Business continuity is guaranteed at the cost of transformation that brings with these changes as said above.

CloudOps is an integral part of an organization's reliability centers that are offering the teams flexibility to provide a range of management and operations functions to their customers such that internal teams focus on change management activities heavily.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Predictive Auto-Scaling

Prediction is to undertand the future based on current or past date. Scaling is to adjust the resources. Hence Predictive auto-scaling does simplify the future resource needs via automation. The resource needed can be CPU, Memory, Storage or even Network resources. The automation there by simplifies the provision of any of these resources for a future state. This provision can be determined also reactively, proactivly or in hybrid manner. Prediction of auto scaling factors thus works with various parameters based on the determined behaviour of the system. We will see how Amazon positions the autoscaling in predictive scenarios.

Automation is carried out in 3 ways: Amazon EC2 servers, in Application itself or with the Amazon Web Servers. Within the EC2 this auto scaling is carried out as follows : By Simple and automatic capacity provision, Scaling of infrastucture up and down, by replacment of unhealthy instances, support for various purchase options, and via balancing capacity across avaliability zones. Applications autoscaling are carried out via individual service scaling by the applications like EC2 ( Spot fleet request), ECS(Service), DynamoDB ( tables and global secondary indexes(GSI)), SageMaker(Fleet), EMR(instance group), Aurora(Cluster), AppStream 2.0(Fleet) and Custom recources. Amazon Web Servers auto scaling leverages the existing EC2 Auto Scaling and Application Auto Scaling services. Allows the application developer to define theirs based on an AWS CloudFormation stack or resource tags.

Scaling options can be of manual, scheduled or dynamic. Predictive autoscaling new feature., and uses the machine learning techniques behind the scene. The forecasting metrics are to be defined in the modeling. Where and when to use this predictive scaling has to be determined aswell upfront. It can be achieved through AWS Auto Scaling console, SDK or CFN.

Predictive auto scaling builds a scaling schedule based on historical data to provide a baseline capacity. Dynamic scaling comes next by adding capacity as needed to the baseline capacity and acts as a complement [1].

Architecture: [2]
  1. Auto Scaling Group : similar EC2 instances for scaling and to a maximum allowed
  2. Launch Configuration : provides information to instantiance EC2 instances
  3. CloudWatch : is monitoring app for metrics deviations on CPU, Memory, loads
  4. Scaling Policy: Policies set for scale in and out or scale up and down.

[1] © 2018, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. AWS Auto Scaling How to use predictive scaling Chris Lewis Software Development Manager Amazon Web Services A P I 3 3 1 - R & A P I 3 3 1 - R 1 Usman Khalid Senior Software Development Manager Amazon Web Services

[2] M. N. A. H. Khan, Y. Liu, H. Alipour, and S. Singh, “Modeling the Autoscaling Operations in Cloud with Time Series Data,” Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, vol. 2016-January, no. September, pp. 7–12, 2015.


Monday, June 14, 2021

Machine Learning algorithms blogs surveyed

Motivation & Introduction:

Machine learning aim to develop computer programs that can access data and learn themselves. This automation without human interaction or intervention if mimicked similar to  the structures of brain then such programs or applications becomes an Artificial Intelligent systems. If they are as such used for constructive purpose to support technological advancements it is best way forward for human’s survival of fittest [1].


Questions like “Which algorithm to be used?”, “What are the types & techniques in Machine Learning algorithms?” forms the main hypothesis to be answered to through this survey[2].


The main ideas to think for a problem solver with machine learning algorithms were: What is the Business problem, Is my Objective requirements Operational/Strategic, How will a model be implemented & Algorithms capability that matches with requirements. The 3 ways of possibility to define the requirements are: Traditional statistical techniques on fundamentals, self-learning is ML & Neural networks are deep learning.

Survey on Real-world application and Research Directions from cybersecurity, smart cities, healthcare, e-commerce, agriculture etc.,[3] is the actual motivation for anyone to start with selection and dissemination of such knowledge structures in the machine learning arena. This should start from fundamentally dealing with the hypothesis discussed here. How to Select the Right Machine Learning Algorithm [4] describes the 7 key factors to consider when you have to select the right machine learning algorithms. The basis again where to use which algorithm is dealt with in click [5].

Guide to choose the right machine learning algorithm [6]:

  •     Size of the training data 
  •     Accuracy and/or interpretability of the output
  •        Speed or Training time
  •        Linearity
  •        No. of features

Figure courtesy: Choose-ml-technique at[7]

Essentials, Principles, Types & Examples [8]:

  •       Data Vs Algorithm – terms to understand
  •        Explainability vs Accuracy trade-offs
  •        Principle is Y=f(X) in supervised learning
  •        Types or Techniques:

o   Supervised

o   Un-Supervised

o   Semi-Supervised

o   Reinforcement 

·       Examples: Based on Space, time and Output

·       How to run ML Algorithms

Figure courtesy Hacker noon [9].

Commonly used ML algorithms in 2021[10]:

·       Supervised

o   Linear regression

o   Logistic regression (a subset of Neural network)

o   Decision tree, CART

o   SVM algorithm

o   Naive Bayes algorithm

o   KNN algorithm 

·       Unsupervised:

o   K-means

o   Random forest algorithm

o   Dimensionality reduction algorithms, PCA

o   Association, Apriori, ANN [11] 

·       Ensembling:

o   Ensembling (Bagging, Bootstrap sampling) [12]

o   Gradient boosting algorithm and AdaBoosting algorithm

·       Reinforcement, Q-learning, Model-based value estimations,

o   GAN, Self-trained Naive Bayes [13]

Figure courtesy: Hui Li,  ML Cheat Sheet [15] 

·        Further tour:

ML Algorithms goes into more detailed single algorithms under each time[14]Good works suggests trends in similar lines for all portfolios of technology and the specific one on ML gives similar  overview as all above at [17]Scikit-learn[18] cheat sheet is quiet eye-opener. Compare two or more algorithms as suggested with step by step algorithms selection with python code at [16].Good works suggests trends in similar lines for all portfolios of technology and the specific one on ML gives similar overview as all above at [17].  Scikit-learn[18] cheat sheet is quiet an eye-opener. 

Figure Courtesy Scikit-learn[18] Hacker noon

Case : for Azure ML[20] 

The use case steps suggested for setup of a business requirement from Microsoft Azure found to be practical with the available resources and parameter tuning in own cloud setup

1.       Business scenarios and the Machine Learning Algorithm Cheat Sheet

2.       Comparison of machine learning algorithms

3.       Requirements for a data science scenario

4.       Accuracy

5.       Training time

6.       Linearity

7.       Number of parameters

8.       Number of features

Case for Smarter cities:

The Digital Twin Paradigm for Smarter Systems and Environments: The Industry use cases , many of the above and Canonical correlation Analysis for feature extraction type of task [20].

Case with Experiment implementation:

Commonly used Machine Learning Algorithms (with Python and R Codes) [22].

 As final remarks of a job interview questions and the like on how to choose consists of first classify the decision into data related and problem related [21].


 The survey put forward the ideas around machine learning by answering the hypotheses on which algorithms to be picked when and what does each one do. Though the writing itself is not detailed enough, it is a good collection for answering the fundamental questions such that the reader gets an overview in the field of Machine learning.




[3]    Sarker, I.H. Machine Learning: Algorithms, Real-World Applications and Research Directions. SN COMPUT. SCI. 2, 160 (2021).




















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Wednesday, March 17, 2021

DataOps - Next only to DevOps

When the dust is going to be settled with DevOps-Development and Operations works hand in hand, another brand new technique to cache in on already on the go. Yes the DataOps-Data managers and Operations to work hand in hand. The advent of internet of things and machine learning in Industry 5.0 need decisions from both man and machines. This means the data experts constitute the current engineers turned data scientists. Data experts are no one than the experienced data engineering who are domain expertise in the former dates as subject mater experts.

Coming to the Operations part, the application of Agile to applications derived DevOps. So do the application of Agile to data will be the basis for DataOps. Furthering the dashboards been operated by silos there is a need for central operators who take the ownership of pulling up the data across without misinterpretation when the data crosses department boundary. Meaning the master data days are gone when one system operates one master and hence the dashboard were siloed which worked well for automating the pipelines of DevOps. When the data based decisions are the primary rule for any two decades we need this unified operating mechanism of giving value to the experts in the domain who can orchestra the data not only for their use but for the cause of bigger good.

Catalyst for DataOps is turning the data debts-running loose portfolios to diversify in markets resulted in silo data collection and interpretations., rather than as data assets-managing data proactively, carefully from day one. Example could be the data rich Facebook, Google, Netflix, and Amazon. Here there is no question of integration as the data is treated more carefully and secure. This is in contradiction to the decade old practice of creating enterprise data warehouses that dealt with nasty ETL processes. It would have worked for the automation revolution but need tweaks for the industry revolution.

Excerpts from : Andy Palmer, Michael Stonebraker, Nik Bates-Haus, Liam Clearly, and M. M. (2019). Getting DataOps Right. In O’Reilly Media.


Sunday, January 3, 2021

Idea of Music - Raga, Swara, Gamaka & Sruti

rAga is the focus of presenting the music and thala helps organize it. Folk songs and filmy music's do use rAga for same purpose of presenting, and it will be suttle that the representation is not attributed to the music itself. So we may not notice the raga in all the musics we come across. The Indian music system does define the name to each raga based on how and when it was presented and by whom. Example there are folk tunes in Ananda Bhairavi Raga and similarly film music following the raga Sankarabharanam is Yen Veetu Thotathil. But the underlying raga never mentioned or represented in all forms of music. For a novice listeners the music could be minimum 5 minutes and the experts it can be up to 45 minutes or even more to keep the concentration. Hence one could imagine if the performer of music does a solo for 45 minutes how much concentration has to be there for such long time so does the rAga helps keep the flow of music in tact for any length of time.

rAga as an entity provides a frame work for setting boundaries for melody making.
