Sunday, December 27, 2020

Idea of Music

Music is the sound form of words. The form can be expressed with tools. Either voice or instrument act as medium to communicate a meaning of the words put together. Different forms of music are formed based on the mankinds need to communicate with inside self and immitate it to outside. If there is rythum to communicate inside then the outword expressions are portrayed. The body of music is first defined to find a classical meaning and is an art form. Hence music doesn't belong or represent a relegion or a region. IT is universal. When there is melody going with harmony music can be explored from all directions. The frequency of this music form notes or swara. The 7 forms of swara called saptha sware Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni is universal. The 5 variants apart of Sa & Pa add up to make 12 swara sthanas. Keyboard is a universal instrument which can depcit all the notes visually and help us make use of all the swara sthanas listed below. Veena is unique to carnatic music and sitar for Hindustanic, like the 2 forms of oldest musics started in 12th century.

  1. Sa
  2. R1
  3. R2
  4. G1
  5. G2
  6. M1
  7. M2
  8. Pa
  9. D1
  10. D2
  11. N1
  12. N2

Color and sound both are continum. So it is not required to give a name to each color or a sound. But from a human understanding it is required to break this continum. There comes tones in sound. The tonic defines a prescription in each much type. The pitch that defines this difference can't be controlled so is a natural scale does fits the music. Thus a music composed can be sung in any pitch based on the tonic assinged by the singer. Having had this fudamentals next step woudl be rAga.



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